
New to the ward? Fill out the New Member Survey and join the ward Facebook group (there are chats on Facebook messenger associated with the group as well).


Upcoming Events 

Recurring Ward Events 

Recurring Stake Events

New to the ward? Please fill out this survey!

If you are new to the Ward, we invite you to fill out the new member survey. Just scan the QR code above!



Sacrament Meeting

Every Sunday at 3:00 pm

735 E 800 S, Orem, UT 84097

South Building, North Chapel

Elders Quorum

2nd and 4th Sundays at 4:00 pm

Sunday School

1st & 3rd Sundays at 4:00 pm

Classes split between the Relief Society

and Elder's Quorum Rooms

Relief Society

2nd and 4th Sundays at 4:00 pm


Ward Information

Appointments with the Bishop

To make an appointment with the Bishop or the rest of the Bishopric, please contact Wesley Edwards:

(801) 214-4910 or backkick2@gmail.com

Meetings will be held in person. Please be in Sunday dress.

Ward Announcements

Ward announcements can be found in the following places:

To have announcements or changes made to this website, contact Nathaniel Ryden at nathanielryden@gmail.com

Announcements are always welcome in the ward Facebook group, Messenger, and General Chat.